Niko Everett

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Why Be Uncompromising?

As 2016 got colder I sat in my favorite morning dance/meditation spot, on the edge of a small bay on a tiny cliff just big enough for my yoga mat, journal and me. I answered one question, “What have I given my attention to in 2016?” As I read my answer I sobbed. Not tears of joy. I was sobbing over how much time I spent giving my attention to things and people other than me and my deepest passion. I built sturdy intentions early in the year and yet the days passed and somehow here I sat at the end of the cliff holding onto just a list of dreams.

I have a very long list of reasons why I spent time on others and on things that were not my deepest desires. But for once I see that this list of reasons will literally never go away. If I do not find a way to stop compromising my desires, I will always be left with a list of unfulfilled intentions at the end of the year.

So this year, my #1 intention is to be uncompromising.

This does not mean uncaring, unloving or unsupportive. But it does mean that I will navigate this year with my values in one hand and my passion in the other. It does mean that it will be a messy year and an uncomfortable year because I will say no, I will ask why, I will tell you what I want and I will be energized by my grief, my outrage, my fire and my hope.