This process is for those specifically looking to make a career change. We will customize the below steps for you over 4-6 months based on where you are in your process.
Joyful Career Transition Process
Because we know that success doesn’t actually correlate with our expertise as much as it does with our confidence, we will make sure you are rooted into your power and very clear on your value as you kick off your career outreach process. Toegether we wil create a timeline that tracks your activity and progress, identify the 4-promises you will keep to yourself through this process to ensure you are at your baseline best, and identify your unique strengths (either through our conversations or StrengthsFinder or
Own Your Value
Career Path Discovery
You’ll complete a 4 step process to expand and then narrow in on what you want next such that you can joyfully, powerfully and clearly communicate it to anyone.
Complete the Wayfinder process [inspired by Designing Your Life]
Identify 3-5 next career options
Build a decision making filter & begin to narrow your next career options to 1-3 solid ideas that meet your real life criteria
Write your “what’s next” narrative, i.e. clear, concise talking points that are easy to share verbally and in an email
Materials Review
We will ensure your resume and LinkedIn profile tell one cohesive narrative that highlights your expertise and how you’ll shine in the type of role you’re after. We will utilize the best AI tools to ensure your resume and LinkedIn profile are optimized. In some cases we will develop a one pager personal website to highlight your thought leadership.
We will determine your outreach goals together and create an accountability structure to support you in landing the right role at the right time. While you search and apply for roles directly we will simultaneously launch your career outreach process. We will develop your networking list, a clear and succinct outreach email, outreach and follow up goals and cadence, and talking points for your meetings that will ensure successful focused conversations. And equally important, we will develop a centering and strengthening practice to keep you grounded in your strengths and values as you have these conversations and navigate the ebbs and flows of job outreach.
Offer Neogiation
We will step confidently into and through your offer negotiation to ensure you are securing the role, benefits, title, and compensation that are aligned with your desires and true value
30-60-90 Day Plan
I will support you to design, socialize, and execute on a powerful 90 day plan that will launch you into your new role with confidence and setting realistic expectations.